Salary Slip Format Excel: What is Salary Slip? How to prepare Salary Slip in Excel? Salary Slip also called as Pay Slip. A salary slip is a receipt prepared by the accountant instead of an employer to an employee at the end of every month.
svg no-repeath1,h2,h3,strongfont-weight:600headerbackground:1a1a1awidth:100height:40pxpadding:14px 0 13pxposition:fixedtop:0z-index:10header. The basic things that you have to add regarding your employee are: Employee Name, Designation, Working Days, Leave Taken, and Basic Salary etc. It contains a detailed description of the employeesponents like Company Name, Pay Slip Month, Name, Identification Number, Bank Account Number, Basic Salary, Gross Salary, Allowances, HRA, reimbursements, Prnt Fund, TDS, paid etc and deductions for a specified time period, usually a month.